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September Newsletter!

RC's Randoms (& other news)

This is my first time sending out a mass email. First off, can I be honest, here, for a sec? *leans in close, lowers voice* I really never expected anyone to actually sign up for my mailing list. *Cue the gasps* I know. But, seriously. I'm just RC. I don't consider myself that exciting, let alone important enough to warrant having my own mailing list. With legit recipients. Now, if you were to ask my mother, she'd wave her hand dismissively and say, "Of course you have people on your mailing list! You're my daughter after all, aren't you?" Because, you know, me being "Nancy's daughter" totally has something to do with it. ;) But I digress... I am not going to SPAM your email inbox like there's no tomorrow because we all know that's the kind of thing that makes people get stabby. Our time is precious so why waste it unnecessarily, right? My plan is to supply some sales info, upcoming releases and any other pertinent news. It will likely be a once-a-month kind of thing. Be honest. This is you, right now, after reading that, right?

Before I forget to mention it, I do have a readers' group on Facebook, Boldt's Beach Babes Readers' Group. That's honestly the best way to get the sneak peeks at my upcoming works, Beach Babes only giveaways, book blurbs before they're released to the public and peeks at yet-to-be-revealed covers. I usually try to post a hot guy pic for everyone's pleasure but never with any "special parts" showing, if you know what I mean. ;) The link to that is here, if you're interested:

Thanks for not only signing up to be on my mailing list, but for your support, as well. Without you, none of this would be remotely possible. xoxo RC

Don't forget that Foster and Noelle's story, Out of Love, will release December 6, 2016!

Are you as excited for their story as I am to give it to you? Because these two... Ahhhh. I can't say more than that right now. Just know that there are some surprises in store—some completely unexpected ones, I might add—which I hope you enjoy! There's some humor, I'll be revealing the cover for Out of Love closer to the end of late October, so keep your eyes peeled especially during that time. Most preorder links are up on my website.

If you want to follow me on social media, I'm active here:

Instagram: Would you like to order a signed paperback? They're available—US and International—on my website:

The Teach Me series box-set, consisting of Wildest Dream, Hard To Handle, Remember When, and Laws of Attraction is available for preorder and will release on December 1, 2016! The sale price for all four books is $6.99 and for a limited time, only!

Copyright © *2016* *RC Boldt Publishing, LLC*, All rights reserved.

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